An 1810 engraving of the house from "Angus's Views of Seats." By kind permission of a private collection.
Built / Designed For: John Anthony Rucker
House & Family History: J.A. Rucker was a banker, merchant, and owner of plantations in Grenada that were worked by enslaved people. He was a co-founder of a bank, Dorrien, Rucker & Carleton, that ultimately, through later buyouts and mergers, became a part of the Royal Bank of Scotland. In 1863 the Royal Hospital for Incurables (today Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability) took over Melrose House. It appears that the late 18th century house been incorporated into the larger hospital complex.
Garden & Outbuildings: Until the mid-20th century part of the house's former park housed a working farm that grew produce for the meals of the hospital's patients.
Title: Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600-1840, A - HARDBACK
Author: Colvin, Howard
Year Published: 2008
Reference: pg. 426
Publisher: New Haven: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300125085
Book Type: Hardback
House Listed: Not Listed
Park Listed: Not Listed
Past Seat / Home of: John Anthony Rucker, 1791-1804; Daniel Henry Rucker, 1804-48.
Current Ownership Type: Charity / Nonprofit
Primary Current Ownership Use: Hospital / Care Home / Recovery Center
House Open to Public: No
Historic Houses Member: No