Earlier Houses: There was probably at least one earlier house on, or near, the site of the current house.
House & Family History: Between 1935 and 1979 the house was Stouts Hill School, a private boys' prep school. Stoutshill House was converted into flats in the late 20th century and reconverted back into a single family home in the early 21st century. In 2023 the house, together with 20 acres, was listed for sale for £6 million.
House Listed: Grade II*
Park Listed: Not Listed
Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Gyde family, 18th century. Lloyd-Baker family, 18th-19th centuries.
Current Ownership Type: Individual / Family Trust
Primary Current Ownership Use: Private Home
House Open to Public: No
Historic Houses Member: No