Earlier Houses: A stone keep was built on the site in 1348 by Earl Ralph (one of the original members of the Order of the Garter), the construction of which cost him most of his wealth. An earlier Norman structure was demolished to make way for Earl Ralph's keep.
House & Family History: The early 19th century castle begun by Lord Stafford near the site of the earlier buildings was never completed and was mostly demolished in the 1960s. The ruins of the Medieval castle are open to the public.
House Listed: Grade II
Park Listed: Not Listed
Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER BUILDINGS: Robert de Toeni, (Robert of Stafford), 12th century. Earl Ralph, 14th century. SEATED AT 19TH CENTURY HOUSE: George Stafford-Jerningham, 8th Baron Stafford, early 19th century.
Current Ownership Type: Government
Primary Current Ownership Use: Visitor Attraction
Ownership Details: Owned by Stafford Borough Council.
House Open to Public: Yes
Phone: 01785-257-698
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.historicstafford.co.uk/
Historic Houses Member: No