DiCamillo Companion

Pike House (Pike Hall) (Pyke House) (Water House)

  • Earlier Houses: The first house on the site, Water House, was probably incorporated, at least partially, into the later house.

    House & Family History: The House may have acquired its name from a Capt. Halliwell, who served with the Royalist army during the Civil War and had his company of pikemen stay at Pike House.

  • House Listed: Demolished

    Park Listed: Destroyed

  • Past Seat / Home of: Edward Stanley, 3rd Earl of Derby, 16th century. James Halliwell, 16th century; Halliwell family here until 1771. Robert Beswicke, 18th century; Clement Robert Nuttall Beswicke-Royds, 19th century; Beswicke family here until 1917.

    Current Ownership Type: Demolished

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Demolished

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No