DiCamillo Companion

Michelgrove (Michel Grove)

  • Built / Designed For: Sir William Shelley, Justice of the Common Pleas.

    House & Family History: Once one of the largest houses in Sussex, most of Michelgrove was demolished in 1832 by the 12th Duke of Norfolk (the outline of the House and a bit of the cellar walls remain). The House contained an extraordinary cast and wrought bronze staircase with figures of greyhounds on alternate steps that was built for Richard Walker in 1800, when much of the interior of the House was altered. The staircase was moved to Burton Park, Sussex, after Michelgrove was demolished.

  • John Preston (J.P.) Neale, published under the title of Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, among other titles: 2.S. Vol. V, 1829.

  • Title: No Voice From the Hall: Early Memories of a Country House Snooper
    Author: Harris, John
    Year Published: 1998
    Publisher: London: John Murray
    ISBN: 0719555671
    Book Type: Hardback

  • House Listed: Grade II

    Park Listed: Not Listed

  • Past Seat / Home of: Sir William Shelley, Justice of the Common Pleas, 16th century; Shelley family here from the late 15th century until 1800. Richard Walker, 1800-28. Bernard Edward Howard, 12th Duke of Norfolk, 1828.

    Current Ownership Type: Ruinous

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Ruinous

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No