The house from a circa 1915 postcard
Earlier Houses: There was an earlier house on, or near, the site of the current house.
Built / Designed For: Walker Gray
House & Family History: The architectural historian and writer Lucinda Lambton on the interior: "Inside there survives one of the most delicate delights in all London: Nash's octagonal dining room, painted as if you are in a bamboo birdcage, looking out through the bars at the fields, woods, and sky." Grovelands House today is part of the larger compound of Priory Hospital. In 1998 Chilean General Augusto Pinochet was held under house arrest in Grovelands while he was a patient at the hospital.
Garden & Outbuildings: Part of the estate was purchased by the Municipal Borough of Southgate in 1913 for use as a public park.
John Bernard (J.B.) Burke, published under the title of A Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland, among other titles: 2.S. Vol. I, p. 73, 1854.
House Listed: Grade I
Park Listed: Grade II*
Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER HOUSE: James Brydges, 3rd Duke of Chandos, until 1789. SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Walker Gray, 1798-1836. John Donnithorne Taylor, until 1885; Major Robert Kirkpatrick Taylor, 1885-1901; Captain John Vickris Taylor, 1901-07.
Current Ownership Type: Medical Organization
Primary Current Ownership Use: Hospital / Care Home / Recovery Center
Ownership Details: Today part of Priory Hospital Roehampton
House Open to Public: No
Phone: 02080-237-282
Historic Houses Member: No