DiCamillo Companion

Eridge Castle (Eridge Park) (Eridge Place)

  • Earlier Houses: Eridge Castle had, at its core, a medieval house.

    House & Family History: Queen Elizabeth I stayed at the medieval house for six days in August 1573. In the 19th century, the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, was a frequent visitor to the grand Gothick Revival style house.

    House Replaced By: Eridge Park, a smaller house, replaced Eridge Castle in the 1930s.

  • Garden & Outbuildings: Mentioned in the "Doomsday Book," Eridge was part of an estate that claims to have the oldest enclosed deer park in England.

  • Architect: James Wyatt

    Date: 1787
    Designed: Rebuilt House in Strawberry Hill Gothick style for 2nd Earl of Abergavenny

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  • House Listed: Demolished

    Park Listed: Grade II*

  • Current Seat / Home of: The 1930s house, Eridge Park, is today the seat of Christopher George Charles Nevill, 6th Marquess of Abergavenny.

    Past Seat / Home of: Henry Nevill, 2nd Earl of Abergavenny, 18th century; Nevill family seated at Eridge Castle from the 15th century until 1937.

    Current Ownership Type: Demolished

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Demolished

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No