DiCamillo Companion

Bradenham Manor

  • Earlier Houses: The South Wing incorporates the remains of the earlier 16th century house of the Windsor family.

    House & Family History: In 1566 Queen Elizabeth I was entertained by Lord Windsor at the earlier Bradenham Manor. In the 19th century Bradenham was the seat of Isaac D'Israeli, who ho died here in 1848 and is buried in the church (his son, Benjamin Disraeli, spent part of his childhood at Bradenham). In the late 19th century the House was turned into a boarding school, before becoming a corporate training college in the 20th century.

    Collections: D'Israeli was a great bibliophile and book collector (he was a friend of Byron's publisher, John Murray, and an intimate of the great bibliophile Francis Douce) who amassed a collection of 25,000 books at Bradenham. Some of the books are today in the Library at Hughenden, his son Benjamin Disraeli's house.

  • Title: Royal Oak Newsletter, The
    Author: NA
    Year Published: NA
    Reference: Summer 2004, pg. 9
    Publisher: New York: The Royal Oak Foundation
    ISBN: NA
    Book Type: Magazine

  • House Listed: Grade II*

    Park Listed: Grade II

  • "The Dirty Dozen" (1967 - as Wargames Headquarters).
  • Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER HOUSE: Thomas de Beaumont, 6th Earl of Warwick, 13th century. Windsor family, 16th century. SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Sir Edmund Pye, 17th century. Issac D'Israeli, 1830-48.

    Current Ownership Type: The National Trust

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Training Center

    Ownership Details: Today the National Training Centre of Grant Thornton UK

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No


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