DiCamillo Companion

Berkhamsted Place (Barkhamsted Manor House)

  • Built / Designed For: Sir Edward Carey, Keeper of the Jewels to Queen Elizabeth I

    House & Family History: Berkhamsted Place was a gabled, symmetrical, courtyard house built in the late 16th century. The house was altered in 1610-11 and again in 1662, after a fire destroyed over 60% of the building. In 1967 the remainder of Berkhamsted was demolished; a fragment of the 16th century stone and flint chequer front survives and was installed near a medieval house called Ash. Berkhamsted Place stood at the top of Castle Hill.

  • Garden & Outbuildings: Cottages and some other outbuildings from the Berkhamsted Estate are extant, as well as a stone and flint gateway. The remaining grounds were built over in the 1960s.

  • Title: Buildings of England: Hertfordshire, The
    Author: Pevsner, Nikolaus; Cherry, Bridget
    Year Published: 2000
    Publisher: London: Penguin Books
    ISBN: 0140710078
    Book Type: Hardback

  • House Listed: Demolished

    Park Listed: Destroyed

  • Past Seat / Home of: Sir Edward Carey (Cary), until 1588; Carey family here until 1612. Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1612. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Axtell, 1649-60. Jerome Weston, 2nd Earl of Portland, 1660-63. John Sayer, 17th century; Edward Sayer, 17th century; Sayer family here until 1716. William Atwell, 1716-18. John Roper, early 18th century; Roper family here until 1807. John William Egerton, 7th Earl of Bridgewater, 1807-23. General John Finch, until 1861. Gertrude Frances, Countess of Pembroke, early 20th century. Sir Granville Ram, 1930s.

    Current Ownership Type: Demolished

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Demolished

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No