DiCamillo Companion

Ansty Hall

  • Earlier Houses: There was at least one earlier house on, or near, the site of the current house.

    Built / Designed For: Edward Taylor (Tayler)

    House & Family History: The Adams family inherited the Ansty Estate in 1744. Twinland Limited purchased the house in 1986 and converted Ansty Hall into a hotel. The house may have been the inspiration for the home of Mrs. Elinor Cadwallader in "Middlemarch," George Eliot's most famous novel.

  • Garden & Outbuildings: The house today sits in eight acres of land.

  • John Bernard (J.B.) Burke, published under the title of A Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland, among other titles: Vol. I, p. 244, 1852.

  • Title: Disintegration of a Heritage: Country Houses and their Collections, 1979-1992, The
    Author: Sayer, Michael
    Year Published: 1993
    Publisher: Norfolk: Michael Russell (Publishing)
    ISBN: 0859551970
    Book Type: Hardback

  • House Listed: Grade II*

    Park Listed: Not Listed

  • Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER HOUSES: Stanhope family, 15th century. George Talbot, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury, 16th century. Richard Tayler, 17th century. SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Edward Taylor (Tayler), 17th century. Simon Adams, 18th century; Henry Cadwallader-Adams, until 1842; Cadwallader-Adams family here from 1744 until 1986.

    Current Ownership Type: Corporation

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Hotel

  • House Open to Public: By Appointment

    Phone: 02476-612-222

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.anstyhall.com/

    Historic Houses Member: No