Architect Name
All Architects
Abel, John
Abraham, Robert
Adam Brothers
Adam Family
Adam Jr., William
Adam Sr., William
Adam, James
Adam, John
Adam, Robert
Adam, Robert
Adams, Cole
Adams, James
Addison, Edward
Adie, Button & Partners
Aitchison the Younger, George
Aitkins, John
Akers, Thomas
Akroyd, James
Akroyd, John
Aldhouse, Francis
Aldwinckle, Thomas William
Alexander & William Reid
Alexander, Anthony
Alexander, Daniel
Alexander, George
Alfray, Robert
Alison, James Pearson
Allanson, Robert
Allason, Thomas
Allen, George
Allen, Ralph
Allom, Charles
Allom, Thomas
Ambler, Louis
Ambler, Thomas
Anderson (Henderson), William
Anderson, Burn & McVicar
Anderson, John
Anderson, Robert Rowand
Angus, George
Appleton Partnership, The,
Archer, Thomas
Armitage, George
Armstrong, Richard
Armstrong, Robert
Arnold, William
Arrol, Andrew
Arundale, Francis
Ashbee, Charles
Ashlin, George
Ashpitel, William
Ashton, Henry
Ashwell, Thomas
Asprucci Jr., Mario
Astley, John
Atkins, William
Atkinson, John
Atkinson, Peter
Atkinson, Robert
Atkinson, Thomas
Atkinson, William
Austin & Paley
Axtell, Francis
Ayers, Charles
Ayton-Lee (Lee), Ernest
Ayton, William
B. Wyatt & Sons
Bachop (Baak) (Bauchop), Tobias
Backhouse, Rowland William
Bacon, Charles
Badger, Joseph
Bailey, Charles
Baird, John
Baker & Wilmott
Baker, Charles
Baker, Herbert
Baker, William
Baldwin, Thomas
Balfour & Turner
Balfour, Robert
Bampfylde, Coplestone
Banckes, Matthew
Banks, Robert
Barbour & Bowie
Barclay, David
Barclay, James
Bardwell, William
Barker, John
Barlow, Thomas
Barnes, Frederick
Barnsley, Arthur
Barrons, William
Barry Jr., Charles
Barry Sr., Charles
Barry, Edward
Basevi, George
Basil, Simon
Baskett, William
Bassett, Henry
Bastard Family
Bastard, Benjamin
Bastard, John
Bateman, C.
Bathurst, Allen
Baxter Sr., John
Baxter, Jr., John
Bayley, Robert
Beales, Richard
Beaumont, Guillaume
Beazley, Charles
Beazley, Samuel
Beckett, Martyn
Beeston, Frederick
Begg, Ian
Belasyse (Fauconberg), Thomas
Belcher, John
Bell, Henry
Bell, Joseph
Bellamy, Thomas
Bellas (Bellhouse), Henry
Belwood, William
Benett, John
Benson (Bingley), Robert
Benson, William
Bentley, Richard
Bernasconi, Francis
Bicknell, Julian
Biddulph-Pinchard, Charles
Billings, Robert
Billington, John
Bindon, Francis
Bintley, Joseph
Binyon, Brightwen
Birch, George
Birch, John
Bird, Thomas
Blackett, Edward
Blackwell, Alexander
Blanc, Hippolyte
Blashill, Thomas
Blomfield, Arthur
Blomfield, Reginald
Blore, Edward
Blow & Billerey
Boardman, Edward
Bodley & Garner
Bodley, George
Boncy, Charles
Bond, John
Bonnar, Thomas
Bonomi the Elder, Joseph
Bonomi, Ignatius
Bonomi, II (the Younger), Joseph
Booth, James
Borra, Giovanni
Boscawen (Falmouth), Evelyn
Bottomley, John Mitchell
Bowdler (Bowdler of Shrewbury), W.
Bowes, George
Bowie, John
Boyd, Thomas
Boyle (Burlington), Richard
Braddell, Thomas Arthur Darcy
Bradley, Thomas
Brakspear, Harold
Brandon, David
Brandon, John Raphael
Brerewood, Francis
Brettingham the Elder, Matthew
Brettingham the Younger, Matthew
Brettingham, Robert
Bridgeman, Charles
Bridges, James
Bridgman, Gerald Soudon
Brierley, Walter Henry
Briggs, Robert
Brock, Thomas
Brodie, John
Bromfield, Joseph
Brooke, John
Brown & Wardrop
Brown & Watt
Brown, Joshua
Brown, Lancelot (Capability)
Brown, Philip
Brown, Robert
Brown, Samuel
Brown, Thomas
Browne, Arthur
Browne, Robert
Browne, Robert
Browning, Bryan
Browning, Edward
Bruce, William
Bryce, David
Bryce, John
Brydon, John McKean
Buckler, Charles
Buckler, John
Buckler, John
Bucknall, Benjamin
Bulmer, George
Burchell, Stephen
Burges, William
Burgess, Edward
Burmeister & Beeston
Burn, George
Burn, Robert
Burn, William
Burnet, Frank
Burnet, John
Burnet, John James
Burton, Decimus
Bury, Thomas
Butler, Albert
Butler, Arthur
Butler, Joseph
Butterfield, William
Buxton, John
Byfield, George
Byres, James
Cairncross, Hugh
Caldbeck, William Francis
Call, John
Call, Thomas
Cambridge, Richard
Campbell, Colen
Campbell, John Archibald
Cane, Percy
Canina, Luigi
Cantwell, Joseph
Carline II, John
Caroe, William
Carpenter, Richard
Carpenter, Richard Herbert
Carr, John
Carruthers, William
Carter, Edward
Carter, Francis
Carter, John
Cartwright, Francis
Carver & Symon
Carver, Richard
Casentini, Chaveliere
Cash, Roland
Castings, Arthur
Castle (Cassels), Richard
Catherwood, Frederick
Cave, Walter
Cavendish (Devonshire), William
Cawston, Arthur
Cementarius, Richard
Chambers, William Oldham
Chantrell, Robert
Chaunce, John
Chawner, Thomas
Cheere, Henry
Chester, John
Chesterton, Frank
Chorley & Cannon
Christian, Ewan
Christmas, Gerard
Christopher, John
Chute, John
Clark, John
Clark, Somers
Clarke, George
Clarke, Joseph
Clayton, Alfred
Cleave, William
Cleere (Cleare), William
Clements, Nathaniel
Clephan, James
Clerk, James
Clerk, John
Clifford, John
Clutton, Henry
Clutton, Henry
Coad, Richard
Cobden, Thomas Alfred
Cockerell, Charles
Cockerell, Frederick
Cockerell, Samuel
Codd, F.
Coe, Henry Edward
Coke (Leicester), Thomas
Coke, Thomas
Cole, William
Coleridge, John
Colling, James Kellaway
Collingwood, John
Collmann, L.W.
Columbani, Placido
Comper, John
Connall, Ward & Lucas
Cook, Thomas
Cooke, James
Cooley, Thomas
Cooper, John
Cope, Charles
Corder, John
Corlette, Hubert
Cory, John Augustus
Cottingham, Lewis
Cottingham, N.
Couchman, Henry
Coulthart, William
Couse, Kenton
Cox, John
Coxon, Lancelot
Crace & Sons
Crace, Frederick
Crace, John
Crace, John
Crace, John Dibblee
Craig Hamilton Architects,
Craig, James
Craik, William
Crake, John
Crawley, George
Creed, Richard
Crerar & Partners
Crichton, Richard
Crichton, Robert
Cripps, W.
Cromb, John Burns
Crook, A.
Cross, Richard
Crunden, John
Cubitt, Thomas
Cundy, Jr., Thomas
Cundy, Sr., Thomas
Cunliffe, Roger
Cunningham, John
Curle, John
Curzon, Henry
Cutler, Thomas William
Daguerre, Dominique
Dain, John
Dance Jr., George
Dance Sr., George
Darley Jr., Frederick
Darley, James
Dashwood, Francis
Daukes (Dawkes), Samuel
Davenport, John
Davis, Charles Edward
Davis, Joseph
Davis, Whitmore
Dawber, Edward
de Caus (de Caux), Isaac
de Grey (Grey), Thomas
de Labrière, Alexandre-Louis
de Soissons, Louis
de Travizi, Guialamo
Deacon, Basil Charlton
Deane, Alexander Sharpe
Deane, John
Deane, Thomas
Deering (Gandy), John
Defferd, James
Delany, Mary
Dennys, John
Desgots, Claude
Destailleur, Gabriel-Hippolyte
Detmar Jellings Blow
Devey, George
Dickinson, Frank
Dickinson, William
Dickson, Richard
Dixon, Joseph
Dobson, John
Dodd, Ronald Fielding
Donaldson, Thomas
Donn, William
Donowell, John
Donthorn, William
Dormer, Henry
Douglas & Fordham
Douglas, Campbell
Douglas, John
Douglas, John
Douglas, John
Dovaston, John
Dowbiggin, Samuel
Doyle, James Francis
Drake, Wilfred
Driver, Samuel
Drummond (Perth), John
Dubois, Nicholas
Ducart (Duckhart) (de Arcort), Davis (Daviso)
Duchêne, Achille
Duff, Thomas John
Dugdale, J.
Duncan, James
Dunckley, Samuel
Dunn, James
Dunn, William
Eames (Emes), William
Ebbels, Robert
Ebdon, Christopher
Eden, Frederick
Edge, William
Edis, Robert
Edmunds, Thomas
Edward, Alexander
Edwards, Francis
Edwards, M.
Edwards, Thomas
Elliot II, Archibald
Elliot, Archibald
Elliot, James
Elliot, William
Ellis, Anthony
Elmes, Henry
Elmes, James
Elmslie, Edmund
Elwes, Guy
Ely, John
Emett, Thomas
Emlyn, Henry
Enson, George
Erith, Raymond
Essex, James
Etty, John
Etty, William
Evans, Charles
Evans, George
Evans, Robert
Evans, William
Evelyn, John
Everard, William
Ewing, G.
Fairbank, J.
Fairlie, Reginald
Falconer, Peter
Falkner, Harold
Farquhar, Colin
Farquharson, Horace Cowley Nesham
Farrell, William
Fawcett, William Milner
Fennell, William John
Fenton, James
Ferguson, Charles
Ferguson, John
Ferrey, Benjamin
Finch, Daniel
Finden, John
Fisher, John
Fitch, John
Fitch, Thomas
Fleming, Herbert
Fleming, John
Fletcher, Banister
Fletcher, W.
Flitcroft, Henry
Flockhart, William
Forbes, Ian
Forbes, John
Forsyth, William Adam
Fort, Alexander
Fort, Thomas
Foss, John
Foster, F.
Foster, John
Foster, Samuel
Foulkes, Sidney
Foulston, John
Fountaine, Andrew
Fowler, Charles
Fowler, James
Fowler, William
Fox, George
Frame, William
France, Charles
Francis Johnson & Partners
Francis, Eric
Franklin, Francis
Freeman, John
Freeman, Richard Knill
Fuller, James
Fulljames, Thomas
Galilei, Alessandro
Gandon, James
Gandy, Joseph
Gansel, David
Garbett, Edward
Gardner, Thomas
Garling, Henry
Garner, Thomas
Garrett, Daniel
Garrett, James
Gee, Thomas
Gee, W.H.
George & Peto
George & Yeates
George Somers Clarke
George, Ernest
Georges Francois Blondel
Gerbier, Balthazar
Gibberd, Vernon
Gibbs, James
Gibson, George
Gibson, Jesse
Gibson, John
Gibson, Thomas
Giles & Brookhouse
Giles Quarme Architects
Gilkie, Alexander
Gilks, William
Gill, Abraham
Gill, John
Gill, Westby
Gilpin, John
Gilpin, William
Gimson, Ernest
Glover, Thomas
Goddard, Francis
Goddard, Henry
Godfrey, Walter
Godwin, Edward
Golby, Rupert
Goldie & Child
Good, Joseph
Goodacre, Robert
Goodhart-Rendel, Harry
Goodridge, Henry
Goodwin, Francis
Gotch & Saunders
Gotch, John Alfred
Gowan, William
Grace, Oliver
Graham, James Gillespie
Gratton & McLean
Gray, Samuel
Gray, Thomas
Grayson & Ould
Green Sr., John
Green, James
Green, John
Green, William John
Greening, Thomas
Greenway, Thomas
Grenville, Robert
Gropius, Walter
Groves, John
Grumbold, Robert
Grundy, James Wright
Guinness (Iveagh), Edward
Gummow, Benjamin
Gunn, William
Guthrie, Leonard
Gwilt, George
Habershon, Edward
Habershon, Matthew
Habershon, William
Hadfield, Charles
Hadfield, Matthew
Haggerston, Thomas
Hague, Daniel
Hakewill, George
Hakewill, Henry
Hakewill, James
Hakewill, John
Halfpenny (Hoare), William (Michael)
Halkett, Craigie
Hall, Edwin
Hall, Joseph
Hallam, John
Hamilton, Charles
Hamilton, Craig
Hamilton, David
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, Thomas
Hanbury-Tracy (Sudeley), Charles
Hanbury-Williams, Charles
Hansom & Welch
Hansom, Charles
Hansom, Joseph
Harcourt, Simon
Hardwick, Philip
Hardwick, Thomas
Hardy, William
Harper, John
Harris, Daniel
Harris, Digby
Harris, Edward
Harris, Thomas
Harris, Thomas
Harris, Vincent
Harrison, Henry
Harrison, John
Harrison, Joshua
Harrison, Thomas
Hart, John
Hartley, I, Bernard
Harvey, John
Hauduroy, Samuel
Haverfield, John
Hawkins, Major
Hawksmoor, Nicholas
Haycock Sr., Edward
Haycock, John
Haycock, Jr., Edward
Haycock, William
Hayward, Charles
Hayward, Richard
Heal, Albert
Heal, Samuel
Heiton, Andrew
Henderson, Andrew
Henderson, David
Henderson, George
Henderson, James
Henderson, John
Henderson, John
Henderson, Jr., John
Henderson, William
Henry Inigo Triggs
Henry, James Macintyre
Herbert (Pembroke and Montgomery), Henry
Hervey (Bristol), Frederick
Hesketh, Robert
Hewett, Thomas
Hicks, Frederick
Higham, A.
Hill, Henry
Hill, Oliver
Hillyer, William
Hine & Evans
Hine, Thomas
Hiorne (Hiorns), David
Hiorne (Hiorns), William
Hiort, John
Hoare II, Henry
Hoare, ?
Hobbs, Christoper
Hobcroft (Hobcraft), John
Hodkinson, Edward
Holden, Charles
Holland, Henry
Hollins, William
Honeyman, John
Hooke, Robert
Hooker, William
Hooper, Harold
Hooper, Thomas
Hope, John
Hopper, Thomas
Howell, Charles
Howell, James
Hubbard, George
Hudson, Henry
Hughes, H.
Hughes, R.W.
Hulls, Richard
Humbert, Albert
Humfrey, Charles
Hunt, George
Hunt, John
Hunt, Thomas
Hunter, James Kennedy
Hyslop, Paul
I'Anson Jr., Edward
Imrie & Angell
Ingleman, Richard
Insall, Donald
Ionides, Basil
Ireland, Joseph
Ireson, Nathaniel
Ivory, Thomas
Ivory, Thomas (Irish)
Ivory, William - 1
J.T. Brearley
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Thomas Graham
James & Turner
James, John
Janssen, Bernard
Jearrad, Robert
Jebb, Philip
Jeckyll, Thomas
Jeffery, Thomas
Jekyll (Jeckyll), Thomas
Jekyll, Gertrude
Jelfe, Andrew
Jellicoe, Geoffrey
Jenner, John
Jennings, Mounten
Jerningham, Edward
Jewson, Norman
Joanes, Ralph
John Jackson - 1
John Langwith - 1
John Watherston & Sons
Johnson, Francis
Johnson, John
Johnson, John
Johnson, John of Leicester
Johnson, Robert Winter
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, William
Johnston, Francis
Johnston, Lawrence
Johnstone, George
Jones (of Exeter), Thomas
Jones, Edward
Jones, Inigo
Jones, Owen
Jones, Richard
Jones, Thomas
Jones, William
Joseph Cheal & Son
Joubert, F.
Joynes, Henry
Judd, Rolfe
Jupp, Richard
Kay, Joseph
Keane, John
Keck, Anthony
Keene, Henry
Kemp, Charles
Kemp, Edward
Kempthorne, Sampson
Kendall, Henry
Kennedy, George
Kennedy, Lewis
Kent, William
Kenyon, George
Kerr, Andrew
Kerr, Henry
Kerr, Robert
Ketton, Robert
Kieffer, W.
Killigrew, William
Kinnear, Charles
Kinross, John
Kirby, Ian
Kirby, Richard
Kirshaw, Luke
Kitchen, Henry
Kitchin, George
Knight, Richard
Knowles Jr., James Thomas
Knowles Sr., James Thomas
Knowles, George
Knowlton, Thomas
Lainé, Elie
Laing, Alexander
Laing, David
Lamb, Edward B.
Lanchester, Henry
Lander, F.
Lane, Joseph
Langley, Batty
Lanyon, Charles
Lanyon, John
Lapidge, Edward
Latham, George
Latrobe, Benjamin
Lavender, Henry
Lavender, Joseph
Law & Dunbar-Nasmith
Law, Edmund
Lawson, Vincent Alexander
Leachman, John
Leadbetter & Fairley
Leadbetter, Stiff
Leadbetter, Thomas
Lee, Adam
Lee, John Thomas
Lee, Thomas
Legg, George
Legg, William
Leiper, William
Lennox-Boyd, Arabella
Leoni, Giacomo
Leroux, Jacob
Leslie, William
Lessels & Taylor
Lessels, John
Lethaby, William
Leverton, Thomas
Lewis, James
Lidbetter, Hubert
Liddell, Thomas
Lightfoot, Luke
Lightoler, Timothy
Lilly, Charles
Lindley, William
Lindsay (Crawford and Balcarres), James
Lindsay, Ian
Lindsay, Norah
Little, Owen Carey
Lloyd-Oswell, Arthur
Lloyd, Leonard
Lodge, Thomas
Lomax-Simpson, James
London & Wise
London, George
Lord, Rupert
Lorimer, Robert
Loudon, John
Lucas, Thomas
Lugar, Robert
Lumley, John
Lutyens, Edwin
Lutyens, Robert
Lyminge, Robert
Lynn, William
Lyon, Walter
Macartney, Mervyn Edmund
MacDonnell, John
Machell, Thomas
Mackenzie, Alexander
Mackenzie, David
Mackenzie, Thomas
Mackenzie, William Macdonald
Mackintosh, Charles
MacLaren, James
MacQuoid, Percy Thomas
Maddox, George
Maddox, George
Maddox, John
Mair, George
Major, Joshua
Mallows, Charles Edward
Mandey, Venterus
Manners & Gill
Manners, George
Manocchi, Giuseppe
Mansfield, John
Mardaunt, Charles
Markcrow, Paul
Marsh, Samuel
Marshall, Edward
Marsham, Robert
Martin, Arthur
Martin, George
Martin, Thomas
Martin, William
Mason, John
Mason, William
Massie, James
Massingberd, Burrell
Masters, Charles
Mauchlen & Weightman
Maufe, Edward
Mawson, Thomas Hayton
May, Edward John
May, Hugh
McAlpine, Robert
McGill, Alexander
McGrath, Raymond
McMillan, Duncan
McNiven, Charles
Meacher, Allan John
Mead, John
Meadows, John
Mear, William
Messel, Oliver
Messenger & Co.
Mewes & Davis
Micklethwaite, John
Middleton & Sars
Millard of Dublin,
Miller, James
Miller, Sanderson
Mills & Shepherd
Mills, Alexander
Mills, Peter
Mills, Walter
Milne & Hall
Milne, John
Milne, William
Milner, Edward
Milner, Henry
Milnes, Eli
Minoprio & Spencely
Mitchell-Withers, John Brightmore
Mitchell, Arnold
Mitchell, Robert
Mlinaric, David
Mocatta, David Alfred
Mofatt, William
Mollet, André
Monck (Middleton), Charles
Moody, Luke
Moore, Temple Lushington
Moore, Thomas
More, William
Moreing, Charles
Morley-Horder, Percy
Morris, Charles
Morris, John
Morris, Robert (1703-54)
Morris, Roger (1695-1749)
Morrison, Richard
Morrison, William
Moseley, William
Mountain, Charles
Moxham, Egbert
Moyle, John
Moyser, James
Mylne, John
Mylne, John
Mylne, Robert
Mylne, Robert
Mylne, William
Nash, John
Nasmith, Robert
Nasmyth, Alexander
Neave, David
Nelson, Samuel
Nesfield, William
Nesfield, William Eden
Nevill, Joseph
Newdigate, Roger
Newman, Dudley
Newton, Ernest
Newton, Robert
Newton, William
Newton, William
Niblett, Francis
Nicholson, Christopher
Nicholson, Peter
Nicholson, William
Nightingale, William
Nisbet, James
Niven & Wigglesworth
Norris, John
Norris, Richard
North, H.
North, Roger
Norton, John
Ogilvy, Gilbert
Oliver, R.
Osborn & Reading
Osman, Louis
Outram, John
Owen, William
Page, Montague Russell
Page, Samuel
Paget, Paul
Pain, George
Pain, James
Paine Jr., James
Paine Sr., James
Paley & Austin
Paley, Edward
Papillon, David
Papworth, John
Parke, Henry
Parker, Charles
Parker, Thomas
Parkinson, James
Parkinson, Joseph
Parlby, Thomas
Parminter, Jane & Mary
Parsons, Alfred
Parsons, William
Parvin, Sidney
Paterson, Alexander Nisbet
Paterson, George
Paterson, John
Patience Jr., Joseph
Patterson, William
Paty, Thomas
Paty, William
Paul, Arthur Forman Balfour
Paul, Rowland
Paxton, Joseph
Payne, Edward
Peach, Charles
Peach, Thomas
Pearce (Pierce), Edward
Pearce, Edward
Pearce, John
Pearson, Frank
Pearson, John
Peddie & Kinnear
Peddie, John
Peddie, John Dick
Penister, John
Peniston, John
Pennethorne, James
Penrose, Francis
Penson, Richard
Pepper, John
Perkin & Backhouse
Peto, Harold
Phelips, Edward
Philips, Amyas
Phillimore, Claud
Phillipps, Ambrose
Phillips, John
Phipps, Paul
Phipson, Richard
Pickford, Joseph
Pilkington, Frederick
Pilkington, William
Pinch the Elder, John
Pinch the Younger, John
Pite, Arthur
Pitt (Camelford), Thomas
Pitt, John
Platt, John
Plaw, John
Playfair the Elder, James
Playfair the Younger, William
Plumbe, Rowland (Roland)
Pocklington, Joseph
Pogmire, Alexander
Pollen, Francis
Ponting, Charles
Pope, Alexander
Pope, Henry
Pope, Richard
Porden, Charles
Porden, William
Potter, Joseph
Pouget, ?
Powell & Moya
Powell, Evan
Poynter, Ambrose
Pratt, Roger
Prentice, Andrew
Price, John
Price, Raymond
Price, William
Prichard, John
Prince, John
Prior, Edward
Pritchard, Thomas
Pritchett, George
Pritchett, James
Prowse, Thomas
Prynne, George Halford Fellowes
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore
Pugin, Edward
Quarenghi, Giacomo
Quennell, Charles Henry Bourne
R. & R. Dickson
Raffield, John
Railton, William
Ramsay, Alexander
Ramsay, James
Randal, John Laurence
Randall, James
Rawlinson, Charles
Rawstorne, John
Rebecca Jr., John
Rebecca, Sr., John
Redgrave, John
Reed, Charles
Reeks, Charles
Rees & Holt
Rees, Charles Gottlob Frederick
Reid, Alexander
Reid, Robert
Reid, William
Reid, William
Repton Family
Repton, George
Repton, Humphry
Repton, John Adey
Reveley, Willey
Revett, Nicholas
Reynolds, Samuel
Reynolds, Thomas
Rhind, David
Rhind, George
Rhodes, Henry
Rhodes, William
Ricardo, Halsey
Ricci, Sebastiano
Rice, George
Rice, William
Richards, William
Richardson, Albert
Richardson, Charles James
Richardson, George
Richardson, Henry Hobson
Richmond, Nathaniel
Rickards, Edwin
Rickman & Hutchinson
Rickman, Thomas
Ripley, Thomas
Rippingall, Stephen
Robert Adam Architects
Roberts, Frederick
Roberts, John
Roberts, Samuel Usher
Robertson, Daniel
Robertson, William
Robertson, William (Irish)
Robertson, William (Scottish)
Robins, Greenway
Robinson (Grantham), Thomas
Robinson, George
Robinson, Lawrence
Robinson, Peter Frederick
Robinson, Robert
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William
Rochead, John
Rogers, W.
Rollinson, Samuel
Romaine-Walker, William
Roos, Alexander
Roper, Robert
Rose Sr., Joseph
Ross, Alexander
Ross, Charles
Roumieu, Robert
Rowe, Isaac
Rowlands, Thomas
Rumley, Henry
Rundle, Abraham
Russell, Andrew
Ryan, Walter
Sales, John
Salomons, Edward
Salvin, Anthony
Sams, William
Samwell, William
Sandby, Thomas
Sanders, John
Sanderson, James
Sanderson, James
Sanderson, John
Sanderson, Joseph
Sands, James
Sandys, Francis
Sarel, Walter
Saunders, George
Savage, James
Savile, George
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Francis
Saxon, Samuel
Schultz, Robert
Scoles, Joseph
Scoltock, Samuel
Scott, George
Scott, J.
Scott, John
Scott, Mackay
Scott, Walter
Sedding, John
Seddon, John
Seely & Paget
Semple, George
Sephton, Henry
Servandoni, Giovanni
Seth-Ward, Charles
Seward, Edwin
Seward, Henry
Shakespear, George
Shanahan, Michael
Sharpe & Paley
Sharpe, Edmund
Shaw Sr., John
Shaw, George
Shaw, Norman
Shaw, Richard
Shearburn, William Joseph
Sheffield, Henry
Shepherd, Edward
Sheppard, George Lewis
Sherrin, George Campbell
Shiel, James
Shiells, Robert Thornton
Shirley (Ferrers), Washington
Shirley, Thomas
Sibthorpe, Waldo
Sidnell, Michael
Sidney, Mitchell & Wilson
Simpson (Sympson), John
Simpson, Archibald
Simpson, Ebenezer
Simpson, John
Simpson, John
Simpson, Jonathan
Simson, William
Sisson, Marshall
Skipper, Frederick
Skipper, George
Slater, William
Smalman, John
Smart, David
Smirke, Robert
Smirke, Sydney
Smith & Broderick
Smith Family
Smith the Elder, William
Smith the Younger, William
Smith, Charles
Smith, F.R.S.
Smith, Francis
Smith, George
Smith, George H.
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smythson, John
Smythson, Robert
Soane, John
Sowersby, Leonard
Spence, Basil
Spence, William
Spiers, Richard
Spiller, James
Squibb, Lawrence
St. Aubyn, Francis
St. Aubyn, James
Stanley, Sloane
Stanton, Edward
Stanton, William
Starforth, John
Stark, William
Steel, Thomas
Stenning, Alexander Rose
Stephenson, J.
Steuart, George
Stevens Jr., Alexander
Stevens Sr., Alexander
Stevens, Alfred
Stevens, Edward
Stevens, George
Stevens, Henry
Stevens, James
Stevens, John
Stickells, Robert
Stirling, William
Stokes, George
Stokes, Leonard
Stokoe, John
Stone, Nicholas
Stone, Percy
Strahan, John
Stratford, Ferdinando
Stratton, Arthur
Street, Arthur
Street, George
Stretton, William
Strong Jr., Edward
Strong Sr., Edward
Strong, Thomas
Strong, Thomas
Strong, Timothy
Strong, Valentine
Stuart, James
Sturges, John
Surgey, Frank
Switzer, Stephen
Sykes, Christopher
Symes, Sandham
Symonds, Robert
Symonds, Thomas
Symons-Jeune, Bertram Hanmer Bunbury
Tait, John
Talbot, John Joseph
Talman, John
Talman, William
Tanner Jr., Henry
Tappen, George
Tapper, Walter
Tasker, John
Tatham, Charles
Tattersall, George
Tattersall, Richard
Taylor, Alexander
Taylor, George
Taylor, Harry Ramsey
Taylor, Marshman
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Samuel
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, William
Taylor, William
Telford, Thomas
Templer, James
Tennyson, Charles
Terry, John
Teulon, Samuel Sanders
Teulon, William Milford
Thackeray, William
Theophilus Shelton
Thomas, Francis
Thomas, Francis
Thomas, John
Thomas, Percy
Thomas, William
Thompson, Charles
Thoms & Wilkie
Thomson, Alexander
Thomson, David
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, Mark
Thornhill, James
Thornhill, John
Thornton, William
Thorp(e), James
Thorpe, John
Throssell, Eric
Thynne, John
Tilden, Philip
Tinsley, William
Tipping, Henry
Tower, W.
Townesend, John
Townesend, William
Townshend, Roger
Travis & Magnall
Trevail, Silvanus
Trevor (Hampden), Robert
Tripp, Capel Nankivell
Trollope (Trollap), Robert
Tronquois, Auguste
Trubshaw, Jr., James
Trubshaw, Richard
Trubshaw, Thomas
Truefitt, George
Tully, George
Tunnard, Christopher
Tunnicliffe, Ralph
Turner, Hugh
Turner, John
Turner, Joseph
Underwood, George
Unknown (designed by an unknown architect),
Upton, John
Usher, John
Valdrè, Vincenzo
Vanbrugh, John
Vardy Jr., John
Vardy Sr., John
Vernon, George
Vesey, Richard
Vick, Christopher
von Bodt (de Bott), Johannes (Jean)
Voysey, Charles
Vulliamy, Lewis
Wade-Palmer, Fairfax Blomfield
Wailes, William
Wakefield, William
Walker, James
Walker, Richard
Wallace, William
Waller, Frederick
Walpole, Horace
Wardrop & Reid
Wardrop, Hew
Wardrop, James
Ware, Isaac
Ware, Samuel
Warren, Edward
Warren, Gerald
Waterhouse, Alfred
Waterhouse, Michael
Waterhouse, Paul
Waters, E.
Watkins, William
Watson, Charles
Watson, Edward
Watson, George
Watson, James
Watson, John
Watson, John
Watson, Paxton
Watson, Robert
Watt, Alexander
Watt, James
Weatherley & Jones
Webb, Aston
Webb, Barton
Webb, Edward
Webb, John (17th century)
Webb, John (19th century)
Webb, Philip
Webb, Thomas
Webster, George
Weightman & Hadfield
Weightman, William
Weir, William
Wellesley (Wellington), Gerald
Wellesley & Wills
Wentworth (Strafford), William
West, James
Western, Thomas
Westley, John
Westmacott, William
Wheeler, Anthony
Wheeler, John
Wheeler, Montague
White (Whyte), Edward
White Jr., John
White Jr., Thomas
White Sr., John
White Sr., Thomas
White, Thomas
White, William
Whitfield, William
Whiting, John
Whitwell, Thomas
Wightwick, George
Wilcox, Edward
Wilds, Amon
Wilkie, Kim
Wilkins Jr., William
Wilkins Sr., William
Wilkinson, William
Willement, Thomas
Willett, Ralph
William Cadell Architects,
William Catlyn
Williams-Ellis, Bertram
Williams, Dionysus
Williams, J.
Wills, Gerald Berkeley
Wills, Trenwith
Willson, Edward
Wilson, Benjamin
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Frederick Richard
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, M.
Wilson, William
Wimperis & East
Winde (Wynne), William
Winter, James
Wise, Henry
Wood the Elder, John
Wood the Younger, John
Wood, Edgar
Wood, Richard
Wood, William
Woodgate, Robert
Woodhead, John
Woodhull, Michael
Woods, Richard
Woodward, Edward
Woodward, Thomas
Woodyer, Henry
Woolcot, George
Woolfe, John
Wornum, Ralph
Worsley, Thomas
Worthington, John
Worthington, Thomas
Wren, Christopher
Wrey, Bourchier
Wright & Mansfield
Wright, Christopher
Wright, Stephen
Wright, Thomas
Wyatt, Benjamin
Wyatt, Benjamin
Wyatt, Benjamin
Wyatt, George
Wyatt, George
Wyatt, Henry John
Wyatt, James
Wyatt, John Drayton
Wyatt, Joseph
Wyatt, Lewis
Wyatt, Matthew
Wyatt, Matthew
Wyatt, Matthew
Wyatt, Philip
Wyatt, Samuel
Wyatt, Thomas
Wyatt, William
Wyatville (Wyattville) (Wyatt), Jeffry
Wylson, James
Wynn (Newborough), Thomas
Yeates (Yates), Alfred
Yenn, John
Yevele, Henry
Young, Clyde Francis
Young, William
Start Date
Completion Date
Circa Date