A British Country House Alphabet: A Historical & Pictorial Journey, Volume 1
Join Curt DiCamillo for an online preview of the first volume of his exciting new book series, A British Country House Alphabet: A Historical & Pictorial Journey. Published by American Ancestors, this series of three books will focus on surprising snippets of history that occurred at, or because of, a country house in England, Scotland, or Wales. Published in June of 2024, the first book is bursting with fascinating content and beautiful illustrations organized by chapters that focus on the letters “A” through “H.”
Click here for a virtual presentation on YouTube. Curt originally presented this lecture online on July 9, 2024.
The book is available to buy in the American Ancestors shop.
Volume 1 is made possible by: The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation, Christina M. Feicht, Leslie Holmes, Ellen A. Michelson, Ryan Taliaferro, and Nancy Clay & John W. Webster