DiCamillo Companion

King House

  • Earlier Houses: The current house may include the walls of an earlier 17th century house on the site that burned.

    Built / Designed For: Sir Henry King

    House & Family History: King House was built by Sir Henry King, 3rd Bt., in the early 18th century during the time when the King family was one of the most wealthy and powerful families in Ireland (they arrived in Ireland in 1603 and later became the earls of Kingston). The family abandoned King House for Rockingham at the beginning of the 19th century and the House subsequently became a military barracks for the Connaught Rangers (from 1788 until 1922) and served as a barracks for the Irish Army later in the 20th century. Today the Reserve Defence Force is based in the West Wing of King House, while the Connaught Rangers Association Museum is housed in another part of King House.

  • Architect: William (Michael) Halfpenny (Hoare)

    Date: Circa 1730
    Designed: House for Sir Henry King
    (Attribution of this work is uncertain)
    View all houses
  • Title: Guide to Irish Country Houses, A
    Author: Bence-Jones, Mark
    Year Published: 1988
    Reference: pg. 177
    Publisher: London: Constable and Company
    ISBN: 0094699909
    Book Type: Hardback

  • House Listed: Unknown

    Park Listed: Unknown

  • Past Seat / Home of: Sir Henry King, 3rd Bt., 18th century; Edward King, 1st Earl of Kingston, 18th century.

    Current Ownership Type: Government

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Visitor Attraction

    Ownership Details: King House is owned and operated by Rosscommon County Council as a museum (Connaught Rangers Association Museum is here) and as an event venue.

  • House Open to Public: Yes

    Phone: 3537-963-242

    Fax: 3537-963-243

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: http://www.kinghouse.ie

    Historic Houses Member: No