DiCamillo Companion

Ecton Hall

  • Earlier Houses: An earlier Ecton Hall was built by the Catesby family in the late 16th century and was located next to the current Church and Rectory.

    Built / Designed For: Ambrose Isted

    House & Family History: In 1889 Ecton Hall was extended for the Sotheby family; the extension to the left of the Garden Façade, and the rear addition, were demolished in the mid-20th century. From 1955 until circa 1985 the House was derelict. By 1989 Ecton was restored and converted into 12 flats, with two houses made from the ancient Laundry and Game Larder, and new terraced mews cottages built in the grounds.

    Collections: On October 11-20, 1955 the "The Sotheby Heirlooms" were auctioned by Sotheby's in London (no relation), which included family portraits; paintings by Breughel, Holbein, Guardi, Tintoretto, Fragonard, and Sir Thomas Lawrence; furniture by Sheraton, Hepplewhite, and Chippendale; silver, porcelain, English miniatures, and the remainder of the Library.

  • Architect: Sanderson Miller

    Date: 1755-56
    Designed: House
    (Attribution of this work is uncertain)
    View all houses
  • Title: Disintegration of a Heritage: Country Houses and their Collections, 1979-1992, The
    Author: Sayer, Michael
    Year Published: 1993
    Publisher: Norfolk: Michael Russell (Publishing)
    ISBN: 0859551970
    Book Type: Hardback

  • House Listed: Grade II*

    Park Listed: Not Listed

  • Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER HOUSE: Montgomery family, 1428-1574. Catesby family, 1574-1712. SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Ambrose Isted, 18th century; Isted family here from 1712 until 1881. Sotheby family, by inheritance, 1881 until circa 1985.

    Current Ownership Type: Individual / Family Trust

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Flats / Multi Family

    Ownership Details: The House and grounds were leased for 500 years (commencing January 1, 1986) and converted to condos by 1989.

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No