The Palladian Facade from a biscuit tin
The Gothic Facade from a biscuit tin
A side facade from a biscuit tin
A side facade from a biscuit tin
Earlier Houses: There was at least one earlier house on, or near, the site of the current house; one of these, the 16th century Old Castle Ward, is extant.
Built / Designed For: Bernard Ward, 1st Viscount Bangor
House & Family History: Castle Ward is famous for its split architectural personality. In a compromise with his wife, Lady Ann, the 1st Lord Bangor had one façade built in his favorite style—Palladian, with the opposite side designed in the Gothic style favored by his wife. Lady Ann left the house and her husband (they had an unhappy marriage) in 1770, never to return. Though much of this is speculation, it's believed that Lady Ann's choice of Gothic architecture represented her whimsical and unconventional personality (she was considered an independent woman with strong opinions), while the more traditional and staid Palladian style favored by her husband suggests reason and order. At the death of the 6th Lord Bangor in 1950 the house and estate were accepted in lieu of death duties by the government of Northern Ireland, who gave the house and 820 acres of gardens to the National Trust in 1952.
Collections: The library contains 2,000 books, mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries. The kitchen boasts one of the finest collections of pots and pans in Ireland.
Garden & Outbuildings: In late 2024 the foundations of a number of unknown buildings were discovered on the Castle Ward Estate during routine drainage work.
Architect: James Bridges
Date: 1760sHouse Listed: Grade A
Park Listed: Unknown
Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER HOUSES: Bernard Ward, 16th century; Judge Michael Ward, 18th century. SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Bernard Ward, 1st Viscount Bangor, 1765-81; Nicholas Ward, 2nd Viscount Bangor, 1781-1827; Edward Ward, 3rd Viscount Bangor, 1827-37; Edward Ward, 4th Viscount Bangor, 1837-81; Henry William Crosbie Ward, 5th Viscount Bangor, 1881-1911; Maxwell Richard Crosbie Ward, 6th Viscount Bangor, 1911-50; Ward family here from circa 1570 until 1950.
Current Ownership Type: The National Trust
Primary Current Ownership Use: Visitor Attraction
House Open to Public: Yes
Phone: 02844-881-204
Fax: 02844-881-729
Email: [email protected]
Historic Houses Member: No